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Yasukazu Konno
貿易商社勤務後、20代からフリーランスのODA開発コンサルタントとして、世界各地での案件に従事する。独立起業型のビジネススタイルを基本とし、2001年からネット通販をスタートし、越境ECを得意とする。 ハンドメイド作家の支援に力を入れていて、ひとりで運営できる方法を並走しながら構築しています。 Yasukazu Konno, the founder of PSLING, is a Japanese entrepreneur and designer of childcare products. In 2001, he developed a baby sling called Psling and founded PSNY based on it. Konno is also a medical practitioner who aims to provide mothers and children working in hospitals and facilities with more comfortable and safer childcare products. He runs a blog to disseminate information on childcare to parents worldwide and is actively involved in childcare support. Inspired by his own parenting experience, Konno felt the importance of a baby sling that allows parents and children to get closer both physically and emotionally, and founded PSLING to achieve that goal. His designed baby slings combine sophisticated design with comfort and safety, and are loved by parents all over the world.